ESG Ratings and Scores

Understand ESG Ratings and Scores.

The "How" and "Why" of ESG Ratings and Scores

ESG investing is a global trend. So are ESG ratings and scores only relevant for investors?

ESG investments are a global trend. More and more investments flow in AUM aligned to ESG principles. So are ESG ratings and scores a topic that is only in the scope of investors? The short answer is: It was, but things have changed. ESG ratings are taken into account in many other areas, too.

How this service will help you to achieve your ESG goals: 

Understand the background of ESG ratings and scores.
Learn about the data that is relevant to the rating process.
Gain insights into the fundamentals of the rating and scoring process.
Understand how to calculate ratings and scores.
Identify the impact of ESG ratings and scores on your business.
ESG Ratings, ESG Scores;

ESG Ratings and Scores Decrypted

A universe full of data. We help you to decrypt your ESG ratings.

The process, key results and benefits

A growing number of service providers offer data services for ESG ratings and scores. Big Data contributes to a vast universe of data. AI is put in use to roam and analyze this data universe.

Depending on the service provider, the data sources that contribute to ESG ratings may derive from media, news and headlines, corporate filings, or dedicated ESG reporting. Additional data, for example, related to environmental factors (geolocation, risks of natural disasters like floodings, water scarcity, etc.) can also influence ratings and scores. Think about a company in the agricultural sector that depends on precipitation or a company located close to a river delta where flooding occurs more often caused by climate change.

Risks and opportunities – both come with a price tag. For example, what are the ESG issues that may harm a companies performance? One could also look for opportunities related to ESG that give an advantage compared to peers.

Understanding ESG ratings is a vital step when rating and score improvement is your goal.

Key Results and Benefits 
  • Our services will help you to understand the background and inner workings of ESG ratings and scores.
  • Identify how your score may differ depending on the service providers.
  • Learn how investors perceive your ratings.
  • Inform yourself how others may make use of your ESG scores and ratings.
  • With this information, you can leverage action to improve your rating. 

All Services

Learn more about our services that help you to navigate your ESG landscape.


We provide briefings and information to board members and senior executives - strategic insights delivered.


How can you communicate your ESG achievements to a broad range of audiences?


Interact to foster a common understanding, build trust and explore new ways to master challenges together.


We help you to develop actionable goals and objectives based on the assessments. Align your company to short-, medium-term and strategic objectives and goals.


A materiality assessment will focus on the social, environmental and governance topics that have an impact on your company and the stakeholders involved.


Clear and relevant information compiled with the needs of various stakeholder groups in mind is key when it comes to successful internal and external communication.


What is your ESG performance compared to your peers? Where do you already outperform others and what are the topics that might need more attention? Our peer assessment offers insights into your ESG performance and helps you to identify relevant development goals.


It is easy to understand that implementing ESG performance indicators right from the start can boost your business. When defining business strategy and processes, it is way easier to align them to ESG related goals than doing it the opposite way.


Projects are a great way to create acceptance and foster the identification of your employees with company-wide ESG goals. We help to develop and deploy projects that add value to your company.


How does your overall performance on ESG and CSR match those provided by ESG rating services or agencies? What can you do to enhance these ratings? We help you to identify intervention points to arrive at better ratings.


Exert the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to gain additional leverage on your ESG objectives and goals.

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